10 rules for gym newbies

A real quick set of rules to get started in the gym and not feel like a block head.

I owned a gym for several years and I have pretty much seen and heard everything. I have had people show up that “know everything” leave injured that very day and never come back as well as a lady who cried in the parking lot due to the amount of anxiety she had about just walking in to the building. I wanted to help yall out with a few quick tidbits of info from the inside, 10 to be exact.

1. No one cares about you and what your doing. UNLESS it’s just flat out obnoxious.

If you think it is silly.... chances are it is. Just because someone on social media balances on a bosu ball while shoulder pressing a child from the daycare doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. You should probably just stick with the basics. If you have never used the gym before there are directions on the machines as well as tons of gym workers needing something to do, stop them and ask. They wont care, its literally their job.

2. Weight on the bar is a byproduct of good movement

We have all seen the people struggling underweight that looks like it is eating them alive. Their form is non existent and it just looks painful. Good movement under lighter weight builds good movement under heavier weight. All weight is just subjective to the training that proceeds it. Focus on building good habits under the bar at the beginning so you don’t have to unlearn them later.

3. Caffeine IS NOT the catalyst for growth

If I had a dollar for the amount of time I spent 400mg deep rolling through my workouts like a mad man sweating like I was running a marathon I would have a lot of dollars. I have seen more results leaving the caffeine behind and utilizing a mixture of one scoop of gatorade powder and 1tbsp of salt then I ever did knocking back red bulls and monsters as I lift.

4. Keep showing up

If you left work the first day because it was to hard or you felt a little lost then how the hell would you ever get through any type of career? Keep showing up, ask tons of questions, talk to the people who look like you want to look and remember, no one has achieved it all. We are all learning. The only secret sauce to this stuff is consistency.

5. Plan ahead

Showing up consistently is great. However you don’t get stronger by osmosis. You have to have a plan. There are millions of websites out there that have pre built training programs that are great. Bodybuilding.com, muscleandfitness.com, Tnation.com and so on, it is literally no different then searching for a cookie recipe online. The knowledge is out there, go find it.

6. Utilize social media

If you have, like we all do, hero’s or individuals you admire on the socials then reach out to them. Ask them how they got started. Remember no one will do this for you so you have to be resourceful and lean on those who have already achieved what your looking to do.

7. You are you

Your body is different then anyone else’s, therefore it operates differently. You can’t expect to pick up Ronnie Coleman’s workout program and run that shit like he did. Start out with a basic program that is for beginners, then graduate to a more intense one after its completed. It will help you from being demoralized.

8. Supplements are just that, a supplement

Don’t replace real food with protein shakes, carb mixes and cologine smoothies. Be smart about it, your body needs real food to grow and change not synthetic powders. These are primarily used for athletes with large intake goals and specific macro nutrient needs. Utilize real food first.

9. Get a trainer, a good trainer

Not all trainers are the same. Find one that doesn’t look like they need a trainer and one that matches your goals. I have had people pull my clients aside after sessions and ask how it went my client loved that they were able to help. Plus you will get really honest feedback right after a session.

10. Everyone started somewhere

Everyone was a beginner once. Chill out, have fun, ask tons of questions and enjoy the process.


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