Stress, Adversity & Next Level Thinking.
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Stress, Adversity & Next Level Thinking.

Now we are looking at the interaction between you developing yourself personally and professionally and the push back from those around you. The push back is because, very plainly speaking, you have pressed the edge of the social norm for the group you are currently in.

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Peace and Personal Responsibility.
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Peace and Personal Responsibility.

Why is it so hard, with all that we have and have access too, to find peace? I am a firm believer it is because we have lost sight of who we are as individuals and whose responsibility it is to find and maintain our individual peace.

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Growth, Pain and Potential Injury.
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Growth, Pain and Potential Injury.

If we avoid pain and potential injury we are also avoiding growth. We are avoiding valuable lessons that teach us about our boundaries and how to push past them. We also lose a chance to see what we are capable of.

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The “Functional Training” Trap
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

The “Functional Training” Trap

The conversation of holistic training comes up a lot in conversation with clients and friends of mine. The concept that there is a way of training that directly correlates to “normal” daily activity more so than others training models is strange to me.

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Deep Questions in Dark Forest.
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Deep Questions in Dark Forest.

I was no longer the feeler of the emotions of the present, I was an observer.

I was so exhausted from unloading everything I had held on to for years that it removed my ability to spend any more energy on feeling. It was like I was watching myself sit in that chair. I stared into the forest for what felt like an eternity. Slowly drinking my coffee.

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Do I need a coach?
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Do I need a coach?

We slowly worked our way through the group, one by one each man took his shot at being the fastest. Each man gave it his all. Two of the guys in the group broke a few fingers trying to grip the heavy fabric the sandbag was made of. Several tripped trying to sprint backwards while dragging this monstrosity of a implement

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Sales & Relationships
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Sales & Relationships

Now we made a promise to the team, the ownership and I, that we would not breathe down the necks of our guys just as long as they were getting stuff done. We had salesmen come in late or leave early regularly.

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Relationships trump chaos.
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Relationships trump chaos.

They are dealing with a PR nightmare as well as blowback from the city.  Everyone is just trying to get in and get out. Upset customers, vendors and city officials are a daily occurrence. No salesman in their right mind would pick this company. It is a sure fire way to get your eyebrows taken off.

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When to ask for help
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

When to ask for help

This wasn't something new, my grandfather was a no nonsense, never ask for directions, Frank Sinatra listening, “man’s man”. He was right, regardless of the outcome.

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Cost vs. Value
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Cost vs. Value

This could be stated a different way, Rich people buy based on value and Average people buy based on lowest price.

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10 rules for gym newbies
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

10 rules for gym newbies

If I had a dollar for the amount of time I spent 400mg deep rolling through my workouts like a mad man sweating like I was running a marathon I would have a lot of dollars.

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Finding self-worth through failure.
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Finding self-worth through failure.

I struggled for several years pushing myself to be perfect at what I loved to do, to sink all my time, attention, emotions and bandwidth into it. Most of the time to just end up with frustration at the end result.

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Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing


Journaling allows you to understand the decisions your making now based on past decisions in similar circumstances.

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Benefits of Stillness.
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Benefits of Stillness.

What do I mean by this? Well it only makes sense through silence. We have the ability to manipulate our world far beyond our comprehension.

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Fads, Filters and Nonsense
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Fads, Filters and Nonsense

Being surrounded by all of the quick versions of things its hard to stop sometimes and take pleasure in the process.

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Taking on life
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Taking on life

Once this started the spiral was going to follow, it usually started with something small like the coffee machine and escalated into life “attacking” them.

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Developing yourself for yourself.
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Developing yourself for yourself.

Standing firm on what want and need in your life is probably the most freeing thing you can do for your mind and soul, however it’s not easy because you will, without a doubt, shine light on things that you need to remove from your life.

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Lessons from a gym rat.
Christopher Ewing Christopher Ewing

Lessons from a gym rat.

This all lead to me learning the best lesson I have ever been taught. It has stuck with me, the feeling, the frustration and the embarrassment of it all.

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