Journey Men: A call to action

Take a look around you. Are you sitting in a computer chair staring at a screen? Are you sitting on the couch nice and comfy reading this on your phone? Are you hungry? Are you cold? Are you uncomfortable at all?

The answer to these is simple. You are a very domesticated version of yourself. So you probably don't do much that will fly in the face of your comfort. This is the byproduct of being born into our current society. We are covered with millions of ways to become more comfortable and remove even the slightest stress. We have hundreds if not thousands of different types of mattresses and pillows to choose from. We are sitting in a house with days worth of food canned up, frozen, in the fridge, or pantry just ready to go.

We are an amalgamation of decades struggles, stress, death, battles, war, famin, love, hate and so on. We are blessed to be a part of this modern world for more reasons than we could ever count. However, have you ever asked yourself why you want more?

This isn’t a guess on my part this is a fact. I know that there are millions of men out there looking for more. Looking for a way to fulfill something in side that is not achievable through modern tech. We seek religion, spouses, kids, careers, sex, partying or hobbies at such a furious rate and intensity they end up becoming our personality. We become the things we hope will fulfill us. We become the thing we are hoping will save us from this feeling of missing out. Most of us have taken that long look in the mirror, not happy with the man we see. Not knowing what to do with ourselves, not knowing who to talk to or how to start the conversation. We have no idea where the journey might take us so we don’t start. We are not lost, we are just a machine outside of the realm it was created to exist.

Men are created differently then the societal norms we currently live in. We are built to protect. To hunt, fish, build houses and defend our families. We are not built to spend our lives staring at computer screens and lounging on couches watching movies. We are not built to exist in the world of 100% convenience. We need certain stressors to feel alive.

It is why men seem to be pulled, almost unconsciously, to movies like Saving Private Ryan or Braveheart. Why men like Schwarzenegger and Stallone are so popular. Something in it speaks to the base level of man.

From what I have studied, the men I have worked with and the experiences I have been through I have learned that we have a base need to feel formidable.

We may not be the largest man in the room, the smartest in the room or the best looking. However, we need to know we can hold our own. We need to test ourselves regularly so we know where we are in space and time. Men need a challenge physically, mentally, morally and emotionally.

We need an Odyssey.

Taking control of our lives can only happen if we take control of ourselves first. We are not able to steer the ship if we have not learned how it operates. I believe wholeheartedly that this starts with accepting 100% personal responsibility for everything in your life. This means the way you talk, think, act, the way you treat your dog, your co-workers, and your kiddos. The way you treat yourself, the food you eat, the time you spend working out, the effort you put into your work, cleaning the house, doing laundry, doing dishes and being a productive part of your tribe. You have to take care of you first, focus on controlling your actions and habits and lead by example.

Whether you like it or not you are being watched constantly by everyone around you. They are watching you start that workout program. They are watching you clean and straighten up your house. You are leading without asking to lead. You are an example even though you might not want to be. This is your lot in life. You are man, therefore you are a leader at all times. You are showing young men a way through life and young women what type of spouse to look for. You are in control of so much more than you can imagine and have influence over generations.

This might seem like a lot. Because it is.

We live in a world that is angry and lost. We live in a world that is begging for leaders. Begging for someone to stand up, grab the reins and put some pieces back together. We have been taught to blame others for pretty much every inconvenience we ever come across. Personal responsibility has taken a serious nosedive. Why take on the responsibility of being sick because of your poor life choices when you can just blame McDonalds for unhealthy food. Why accept responsibility for your city falling to shambles when you can just blame the mayor?

It’s easy to fall into this trap of martyrdom. Shifting blame allows you to feel no responsibility for the short term. At the same time you are telling the world that you are to weak and stupid to understand how to properly act. Across the world we have categorically high levels of depression, obesity, cancer, addiction, and suicide. We are all watching the absence of personal responsibility slowly dominate us all.

These are the byproducts of actions taken for generations. Thought processes and habits from one generation passed down to the next. I have seen religion tear men to pieces teaching them that they only have to be weak and then they will be strong. I have heard religious leaders make statements like “Listen to your wife she sounds like God” or “Man is inherently evil and needs constant repentance and submission”. No wonder men are lost and destroyed inside.

We can break this pattern. We can step away from the constant condemnation of masculinity. The ability to change generations lies in the hands of men like you. You are leading them whether you want to or not.

The actions you take today, echo in eternity.

This call to action is simple.

We are going to embark on a journey that takes you through personal, physical and mental development. We are going to utilize state of the art, data driven processes to guide you through resilience training. Teaching emotional control, reasoning, tenacity and collaboration. We are going to push the envelope physically to show you just how much you can actually accomplish.

We are going to build the a man that is ok standing alone, that can take the pressure, that can be the man his family needs him to be.

We will focus on building the man in the mirror.

New class starting January 2nd, 2024

If this is something that interest you please contact Christopher Ewing to set up an initial meeting.



Relationships trump chaos.


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