Fads, Filters and Nonsense

We are plagued by new ideas and quick fixes, fast surface level explanations and new shiny objects constantly. We are surrounded by what looks like high achievers living their dreams on yachts with a Ferrari parked outside and a six pack at the ripe age of 19. We pick and choose what people see and who gets to see it. Medicine has opened the doors to new quicker ways to achieve long term goals like weight loss and muscle gain. We are overflowing with fast paced "success".

Being surrounded by all of the quick versions of things its hard to stop sometimes and take pleasure in the process. This is not all bad, we are now able to compare everything from training methods to cooking recipes to mortgage rates instantly. This data overload is just that, overload. We are not really equipped yet as humans to deal with the amount of information we have at our fingertips. This leads way to massive amounts of depression, anxiety, stress and sadly sometimes worse. It's not that its all bad, its just to much at once, to much of the trophies and not enough of the work it took to get there. It is impossible to filter the data completely. So, what do we do with this? What is the plan? How do we not get caught up in the fads, filters and nonsense? The answer is not a simple switch, its more process integration.

We have to decide what information is useful and what information is just noise. Write down in detail the hours you spend on your phone, with friends and by yourself for a few days. Ask yourself how does each section of time make you feel? Its important to pay attention to because you only have so much energy. Make sure you give energy to the things that are making you better, pushing you or are challenging you. The process of growth is long but very rewarding.


Benefits of Stillness.


Developing yourself for yourself.